Hello everyone! Now how would you know when it is time to get your first hamster? Well follow this sympal quiz and tally up your letters to find out when you are ready to get your new best friend! Then post your answer and how you felt about it, or if you have questions about your result, post down below!!!!!
How forgetfull are you?
a) super forgetful. i cant even remember what i had for dinner!
b) i know everything since i was 6! Maybe younger!
c) my memory is fine. I cant remember everything, but i will remember eventualy.
d) I sometimes forget things, I killed my goldfish because i forgot to feed him
Do you have a lot of after school activitys?
a) Yes! I have an activity everyday!
b) i have no after school activities
c) I have 1 or more a week
d) I have 3 or more a week
How much patience do you have?
a) well i will wait for 2 minutes but then you better hurry up!
b) i will wait for you to get dressed even if it takes you 30 minutes
c) i can wait for ten minutes but i dont like waiting that long
d) i will deal with it but i will get frustrated
Whats a good size of a pet for you?
a) at least 6 inches
b) as long as its bigger than 2 centameters
c) 2 inches, around that
d) I dont know
Now that you answered your questions, tally up you answers and look at the answers below!
Mostly A's: Not ready. you might love hamsters but your time will need to wait. Hamsters take patience to pick them up or get you to let you hold them. You must also have more time on your hands. You will have to feed them, and hamsters like attention. You cant ignore them.You also have to remember to feed them and give them water. Other wise you will kill them. Sorry maybe when you have more time, and patience. I know you can do it!!!!
Mostly B's: Absolutly yes!!!! You would be a perfect hamster parent! You will be better at remembering to feed your buddy and give him water. You should get a hamster they are perfect for you! Lets go go go! You need your best buddie!!
Mostly C's: Pretty good. I believe you could do it. You could remember to take care of it and you could be a good parent. Just make sure you are careful and you are kind and loving to your buddy. But with a little help, or maybe by yourself, you could take care of a little hamster and do it well. I believe in you!
Mostly D's: Maybe. It will be up to you to put an effort in this. But maybe it would be a good idea to wait a little while longer. When you will have a good understanding of how to take care of a hamster, and you truly believe you can do it, and you truly try, then maybe you could do a good job taking care of a hamster now. But if you dont want to take the risk, that is absolutly fine. You can wait untill you are fully confadent. You could start with something easier like a fish, and if you do good and dont starve it, then it will be a good indicater you will be okay. Make sure you dont try untill you are ready, though. You dont want to take an unnesasary risk. But when you are ready, GO FOR IT!
We love hamsters! So, this blog is dedicated to our fuzzy buddies (hamsters) and open to yours! Even if you don't have one, feel free to join!
November 30, 2010
Time to get started!
Fun Stuff,
Getting A Hamster
November 27, 2010
What hamster is best for you?
Answer the questions below and tally up the amount of times you answered each letter (A,B,C,D). Then, read your results at the bottom. :)
1. Taking time to play, hold, and take care of your hamster is essential. Would you prefer a hamster that...
a) will need a little more than weekly caring but not much more than that.
b) needs to be cared for often.
c) needs to be played with daily.
d) doesn't need to be played with often.
2. I would like to have my hamster be...
a) 5-7 inches long.
b) 8-11 cm long.
c) 10-12 cm long.
d) 4-5 cm long.
3. I want a hamster that...
a) is fairly aggressive towards other hamsters and doesn't need to be held but is interesting to watch.
b) is adventurous and social.
c) is very playful and likes to explore new things and people.
d) is very fast and sometimes fights you from being held but loves running around and playing with other hamsters.
4. Some hamsters prefer others to play with. Would you like a hamster that...
a) doesn't want other hamsters around them.
b) wants another buddy to play with.
c) sometimes would like a buddy but doesn't care either way.
d) does best with several buddies (1-4 other buddies).
Now tally up your answers...
Mostly A's: Syrian Hamster
Syrian hamsters are best alone and are the largest of all hamsters. The females can be aggressive but the males are generally nicer. These are the most common of the hamsters and are very easy to care for. They live for up to 3 years.
Mostly B's: Winter White/ Russian Hamster
These two hamsters are almost the exact same but winter white hamsters' fur turns white in the winter. They are sometimes social with other hamsters. They also like to be held and rarely bite. Their lifespan is about 18 months (1 and a 1/2 years). Overall, they are a great first hamster.
Mostly C's: Chinese Hamster
Chinese hamsters are very playful and easy to care for. They don't need a cage buddy but sometimes will put up with one if you give it one. They live for about 2 and a half years. Try to put new and exciting things in they're cage once and a while because the love to explore!
Mostly D's: Roboroviski Hamster
Robo hamsters are VERY fast and active! They love to run around and dig. Most robos prefer to not be held but some will eventually crawl into your hand. They live for up to 4 years. Being the smallest of the hamsters, they are hard to catch but absolutely adorable!
So, what did you get? Go ahead and tell us in the comment box! :)
1. Taking time to play, hold, and take care of your hamster is essential. Would you prefer a hamster that...
a) will need a little more than weekly caring but not much more than that.
b) needs to be cared for often.
c) needs to be played with daily.
d) doesn't need to be played with often.
2. I would like to have my hamster be...
a) 5-7 inches long.
b) 8-11 cm long.
c) 10-12 cm long.
d) 4-5 cm long.
3. I want a hamster that...
a) is fairly aggressive towards other hamsters and doesn't need to be held but is interesting to watch.
b) is adventurous and social.
c) is very playful and likes to explore new things and people.
d) is very fast and sometimes fights you from being held but loves running around and playing with other hamsters.
4. Some hamsters prefer others to play with. Would you like a hamster that...
a) doesn't want other hamsters around them.
b) wants another buddy to play with.
c) sometimes would like a buddy but doesn't care either way.
d) does best with several buddies (1-4 other buddies).
Now tally up your answers...
Mostly A's: Syrian Hamster
Syrian hamsters are best alone and are the largest of all hamsters. The females can be aggressive but the males are generally nicer. These are the most common of the hamsters and are very easy to care for. They live for up to 3 years.
Mostly B's: Winter White/ Russian Hamster
These two hamsters are almost the exact same but winter white hamsters' fur turns white in the winter. They are sometimes social with other hamsters. They also like to be held and rarely bite. Their lifespan is about 18 months (1 and a 1/2 years). Overall, they are a great first hamster.
Mostly C's: Chinese Hamster
Chinese hamsters are very playful and easy to care for. They don't need a cage buddy but sometimes will put up with one if you give it one. They live for about 2 and a half years. Try to put new and exciting things in they're cage once and a while because the love to explore!
Mostly D's: Roboroviski Hamster
Robo hamsters are VERY fast and active! They love to run around and dig. Most robos prefer to not be held but some will eventually crawl into your hand. They live for up to 4 years. Being the smallest of the hamsters, they are hard to catch but absolutely adorable!
So, what did you get? Go ahead and tell us in the comment box! :)
Fun Stuff,
Getting A Hamster
November 26, 2010
Up and Coming
Get ready for some new things on our blog in the up and coming days. I will be posting a quiz for you to find out what type of hamster is best for you. Also, there will be a segment and possibly a power point presentation on if you want a hamster. It will include what you need, how to take care of your fuzzy buddy, and more! :)
I just got my new robo hamster, José! He is adorable and the exact opposite of Tito! Because he's sort of shy right now, I couldn't get any pictures but there will be some soon! :) His personality is calm, doesn't mind sitting in my hand, and not very scared of things. That's what it seems like right now, at least. I am so glad that he lets me hold him because Tito won't! :)
Kenzie's Fuzzy Buddies
November 25, 2010
Let me introduce you to my hamster. Tito is my robo hamster who is very feisty and never lets me hold him! He is still my baby though and I love him no matter how big of an attitude he has. :)
Kenzie's Fuzzy Buddies
Hello all! I would like to introduce my little friend Tigger! Tigger is a chinese dwarf hamster that has a high spirit! He is a greyish tan with lots of black spots on him. I hope you all love him!
Andrea's fuzzy buddies
Black Friday Sale
Attention! Petsmart is making all hamsters 50% off on Black Friday! So, if you want to adopt a fuzzy buddy, this is your chance. The stores are open at 7am. Be the first in line to get your new fuzzy buddy! :)
Good Deals
New Hamster
I am getting a new hamster named Jose tomorrow! He is a robo and absolutely adorable! :)
Kenzie's Fuzzy Buddies
Welcome to Fuzzy Buddies!
Hello All! Andrea Fredericks and I, Kenzie Davis, would like to welcome you to our new blog. As administrators, we will be happy to answer any of your questions about hamsters in the Q&A box at the bottom of the screen. You can follow Fuzzy Buddies Blog by clicking "Follow" on the right hand side. Thank you so much for visiting! :)
-The Administrators
-The Administrators
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