January 19, 2011

New Location

Hey everyone! This site has been moved to a new address. Click on this link to visit it. http://www.fuzzybuddiesblog.com/   Plus, if you were following it before, you will need to follow again by clicking on "Subscribe to posts" under the "Site information" tab. Thanks for reading everyone! :)

January 5, 2011

T.O.W. Food Amounts

Have you been wondering how much food your hamster needs every day? Well, below is a chart that shows the types of hamsters and the about the amount of food they need. Remember, the amount varies, so if your hamster isn't eating all it's food or it seem hungry, you can change the amount of food you give him.

Syrian: 1-2.5 tablespoons
Chinese: .5- 1.5 tablespoons
Winter White/ Russian: 1-1.5 tablespoons
Robo: .5-1 tablespoon

Search Amazon.com for Hamster Food

January 4, 2011

Tito's Adventure

So, Tito had a little adventure last night. It started yesterday when I moved the toilet paper tube in the bottom level of his cage and then somehow forgot to latch the door to it. (I bet you can see where this is going). Then, last night I realized he needed more food, so I added more food to his dish (on the top level) and suddenly realized that the latch on the bottom part wasn't on but the door was pressed up against the cage as if it was. (That hamster is so smart that he shut the door behind him!) I then started checking every part of his cage for him but ended in the result of no Tito. We started looking everywhere in my room for him and I had a panic attack the whole time. That's when my dad found him running out of the corner of my closet. Then, after about five minutes of trying to catch him, he was safely back in his cage and I went back to examine his camp out place. I found shredded pieces of a blanket I had on the closet floor that he bundled up into a bowl shape were he obviously slept all day. Next to it, there was a pile of hamster poop. Then next to that there was a big pile of hamster food that Tito apparently stored in his cheeks and dumped onto the floor. Well, that was pretty nerve recking for me but in the end I realize now how dang smart hamsters are! I hope this never happens to you, but if it does, remember to stay calm and search everywhere. They are smart enough to stay near a food source, so they won't be too far away! :)

January 3, 2011

New Year, New Hamster

Hey everyone! First of all, Happy New Year! Since this is a brand new year, this is also a great opportunity to adopt a fuzzy buddy into your home! They are easy to take care of, adorable, and fun to play with (with most hamsters, at least). If you are a kid who wants hamster but your parents said that you can't get one, here's what I suggest. Write out a list of responsibilities, costs, and tasks that it takes to care for a hamster and say why you can handle on your own. Also say why you want and deserve a hamster. This method always works! :) So give it a try, this might be the year where you give a fuzzy buddy a new home!